Building Regulations Approved Documents - Have Your Say

In England the Building Regulations Approved Documents are key documents for any construction project. They set out guidance for designers to comply with the Building Regulations. As part of the Interim Report of Hackitt's Review of the Building Regulations and Fire Safety there is a recommendation that the government consider how the suite of Approved Documents could be structured and ordered to provide a more streamlined, holistic view while retaining the right level of relevant technical detail. 

Based on this recommendation The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government has asked NBS to carry out research on the Approved Documents. They want to understand how industry uses the guidance as it is today to help shape any recommendations for changes in the future. Part of this research is a survey which has been prepared for construction professionals to provide feedback to MHCLG.

We have an opportunity to share our thoughts on Building Regulations Approved Documents through a survey being conducted by NBS. This is very important as the guidance documents shape the very way we work in the UK, and may change soon taking into consideration current opinion.

Please take the time to complete this survey as this is a rare opportunity for industry to share thoughts and ideas with MHCLG.

The survey closes Tuesday 6th March 2018. Full details can be found on RIBA's website.
